Résumé de section


    The objective of this space is to provide you with all the necessary information for your stay at our institution HELMo. Prepare your trip carefully and have a pleasant stay among us !
    Cet espace est destiné à te donner les informations nécessaires pour ton séjour dans notre institution HELMo. Bonne préparation et bon séjour chez nous !
    NEWS : You can add French courses all the year through at ISLV which cost 150 € unless they are mentioned in your learning agreement

    • The application deadline for the Fall semester: 1 June 2014 // Echéance pour le Semestre d'Automne : 1 Juin 2014
      The application deadline for the Spring semester: 1 December 2014 // Echéance pour le Semestre de Printemps : 1 Décembre 2014

  • Documentation on HELMo

    This part includes the information concerning our Higher School, its services and functioning, contact persons, educational system, etc.

  • Information on courses

    Actually, the following courses are given in english at our Economics department.
    You'll find more information on these courses (ects, objectives, main content, etc.) by getting in touch with the responsible of incoming students of our business department Leticia Lemaire (l.lemaire@helmo.be)